Our Model
Receive Client Referrals
We receive client referrals from various sources such as Churches, Hospitals, Government offices, Police stations, and Individuals. Upon receiving a referral, our initial step is to conduct an intake process, followed by thorough screening and verification. This helps us ensure that the client's needs align with our organization's criteria.
Start Intake Process
The intake process involves gathering essential information about the client, such as their personal details, the nature of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) they have experienced, and their current circumstances. This helps us assess their situation and determine the best course of action.
Screening & Verification
After the intake process, we proceed with screening and verification. We thoroughly assess the information provided by the client to confirm the authenticity of their needs. This step is crucial to ensure that our resources are allocated to those who genuinely require assistance.
Enrollment & Training
Once the authenticity of the client's needs is confirmed, they proceed to the enrollment phase. During this phase, they receive counseling sessions to address the emotional and psychological impact of GBV. Additionally, they participate in business empowerment classes, which equip them with essential skills and knowledge to start their own businesses.
Upon completion of the business empowerment classes, we provide monetary capital to the women. This financial support enables them to initiate businesses of their choosing. Throughout this process, our trainers offer continuous guidance and support to ensure their success. We believe in empowering these women to become self-reliant and create sustainable livelihoods.
Guidance and Support
We understand that starting a business can be challenging, especially for individuals who have experienced GBV. Therefore, our trainers provide ongoing guidance and support, assisting the women in navigating the various aspects of entrepreneurship. This includes mentorship, business advice, and access to relevant resources to maximize their chances of success.